Scholarship Request Form

Download Link: DR NSP Scholarship request form

Want to apply for a scholarship? Here is a brief run through on how to submit your application.

How To Use the Scholarship Request Form

  • Fill in your personal information (top 4 columns at left) and the request date (top right column).
  • Please do not write in Yellow boxes at top right; they are to be completed by others.
  • Complete the lines for event date(s), event name, and location.
  • Total all individual EVENT expenses in far right column.
  • Total all requested expenses in bottom far right column.
  • Submit Scholarship Request to the Scholarship Committee Chair; you will receive a copy of the approved

Travel expenses will be reimbursed according to the following policy as determined by the Scholarship Committee:

  • Surface travel: to be reimbursed at $0.30 per mile; please provide a mileage chart from map quest or some equivalent software program to verify your mileage. Carpooling is encouraged. Only the driver will be reimbursed
  • Airline travel: Please provide evidence of direct total cost. Maximum reimbursement of your direct expenses for air travel has been set at $250. Please note: The Committee reserves the right to deny air travel reimbursement for distances less than 300 miles (5 hours one way travel time), or to allow reimbursement at surface travel rate.
  • Lodging: expenses shall be reimbursed at your direct cost, or $30 per night, whichever is less.
  • Registration Fees: expenses shall be reimbursed in total; please provide proof of payment & attendance. Food and drinks are to be excluded.
    The schlorship program will not reimburse any costs for food or drink. The maximum scholarship amount is capped at $500 per person unless approved by the committee.

Scholarship Request after Committee action to set the reimbursement limits. Your will be paid based on returned receipts.


Reimbursement Instructions

Submit a copy of the APPROVED Scholarship Request form, complete with all receipts for Travel, Lodging, and Event Registration attached, to the Committee Chair.

The Chair shall fill in the date for the Claim Submittal box (upper right of form), initial and submit to the Patrol Treasurer for processing.

The Treasurer will send you a check for the reimbursment of your direct expenses.

Thanks for Your Participation in the Scholarship Program!