Welcome to the new ski season!
I hope that all of you will have a safe and well Holiday Season!
Many of you are just receiving your email from Dodge Ridge that we are now Open beginning December 21st.
At this moment, Saturday the 19th, there are several of us working hard to get the final pieces in place on the website regarding sign in procedures and information relative to COVID.
Right Up Front, You will be asked to click on a link supplied by Dodge Ridge Ski Area, before you sign in for any shifts. That link is your current seasons lunch agreement and DR Release. No changes there.
Please remember that ultimately, your safety is your responsibility, especially regarding COVID.
Being a Volunteer is such an honorable act, and a personal choice. To make the best personal choices requires being informed. Please take the time to read over the DR Release, and read through the material provided by the NSP, County and others, that we have provided access to on the web page, which is not to imply that there is not more available to you should you desire. There is a plethora of information out there. If you should decide not to patrol this year due to COVID concerns NSP as advised that no consequences be dispensed. However, your leadership would really like to hear from you regarding your decision not to patrol due to COVID or any other reason for that matter, so that we can figure out how to best deal with that decision to preserve our Patrol’s integrity and relationship with the Mountain, as well as preserve your good standing. Communication is the key.
Please check out our website for dates of trainings that are posted for Alpine Candidates, Senior SEM and OET, and and for clinics and evaluation dates in our region.
We have an exciting season of training planned, COVID aside, with positive growth in our Alpine Patrol Candidates, Senior Alpine Program, and Mountain Host Program.
Now is the last minute to check your vest/pack, replacing supplies as needed before your first day. It is not Dodge Ridge’s responsibility to stock your vest or pack initially.
As always, we will be calling on everyone who chooses to patrol to participate in a Toboggan Refresher and an Enhancement Seminar within the first month of the season.
Please read the latest email that I sent to all of you on Friday the 18th for many details about this upcoming season.
Below is a summary posted regarding changes in our MOU with the mountain this season and changes in the P & P which
were necessary and voted in by the Board on Dec.. 10th that reflect those changes placed on us by Dodge Ridge.
Summary of main MOU and P & P changes;
Sign in 36 hours in advance for your shift.
Cap on numbers of patrollers on any given day. Thus, sign in where appropriate, ie, candidates sign in under candidates slot or instructor, etc.
Blackout Dates relative to voucher use.
Probation language, especially relative to days. Also, clear pathways provided on how to get off probation for whatever reason one might find themselves on probation.
Once again, have a great Holiday season, stay safe and well.
I hope to see you all soon on the mountain, socially distant of course.
Thanks to all of you for what you do, you are all the best there is.
All the Best,
(Bill) William J. Borelli DRNSP Patrol Rep.