Certified: The Next Step After Senior

The NSP Certified Program is a Knowledge and Skills Credentialing program that leverages current NSP educational and credentialing programs, e.g. Senior, OEC, OET, MTR, Avalanche and others, as well as patrol experience and education outside the NSP system.

The Certified Program consists of six modules:

  1. Outdoor Risk Management

  2. Avalanche

  3. Outdoor Emergency Care

  4. Rope Rescue

  5. Skiing/Riding

  6. Toboggan Handling.

The NSP Certified program is closely aligned with the Association of Professional Patrollers (APP) Certified program, and in the Far West Division Certified testing is done in partnership with the APP.

The Certified Program seeks to identify and mentor patrollers who have exceptional patrolling skills and leadership qualities. In addition to providing excellent service to the skiing/riding public, the patroller who completes the Certified Program is better equipped to give back to the NSP membership though training and education in all aspects of patrolling.

If this sounds like you then the Certified Program might just be your thing! Training and Testing clinics for the 21-22 season are being planned and scheduled. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Certified Patroller contact Dave Rhodes and let us know of your interest so we can answer your questions and keep you abreast of upcoming events in your area.